Friday Birthday Dirty Thirty Cupcakes..
..Okay, let's get serious..these are Gluten Free Chocolate Cupcakes with Fresh Banana Filling, Peanut Butter-Bacon Cream Cheese Frosting and Candied Bacon on top. Seriously..I mean it! These treats were for G's dirty thirty. J helped me make them and 104 cupcakes later the party started! LOVE!
Friday Night G's Birthday Late-night Crazy..

This is the Jon Thursday of Rowdy Shadehouse. The band's website describes him by saying "Jon brings a show, the likes of which haven't been seen since James Brown. His lyrics are raunchy, and his pelvis is on a swivel. Whachu talk'n 'bout Music!" (first of all, shouldn't there be a question mark in there?) And Seriously? I'm not sure how to describe this shirtless man and his jegging pride except to say that as we danced with his "swivel" we couldn't help but be reminded of Russell Brand. (RB would have been much cooler though)
Saturday Marathon began with brunch that I wish I had taken a picture of but scarfed down instead...and then....
Volleyball!! In the sand!! SAND VOLLEYBALL!! (with margarita popsicles)
Post-brunch the whole concert crew met up at the park to play a little sand the sand!! I brought margaritas - otter pop style! YUM!
Hot Routt Music Fest. AKA- Gerrypalooza
11:30am-allllllll niiiiiiight looooong
We went, there was music, we danced, it was hot.
The adventure..
I took this picture as I was still swearing I would not get on and instead go home and go to bed.
11pm, motorcycle, county roads, clear sky, sleep under the moon. Peer pressure is good sometimes.
I wish I had pictures of the campsite/moon on Pearl Lake but my phone was dead. :(
Sunday dinner..
My job sucks, I work with chefs, they make good food, dreamy even, they share with me.
I made these..
It's skewers of cantaloupe and prosciutto ribbons, grilled. It's an appetizer, or that's what I told these guys, but I'd eat it for breakfast, or I did today. Easy. Delicious. Try it.
And then there was dinner. Did I mention I work for chefs? They don't suck.
White bean salad. I could eat white beans at every meal. Seriously.
Grilled sweet corn. Heaven, the first corn I've had this year. Naked.
Lamb. Need I say more?
Salmon. Grilled perfectly.
Grilled Zucchini and Asparagus.
Salsa. Not just salsa. Tomatillos, green chilis, tomatoes, and other spicy goodness.
Cantaloupe and Prosciutto Skewers. I can keep up with these guys..sometimes.
But wait! There's MORE!!
Dessert! C is kind of brilliant with his desserts.
It's a shortcake. With homemade whipped cream. With Strawberries. With blueberry sauce. With vanilla ice cream. WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!!!! God!
And then I harvested my first crop. Because I'm a farmer..
Awesome. Huge. Powerful.
Okay, puney...but at least they grew! I grew them! They are mine!
I'm Awesome.
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