Saturday, April 7, 2012


When you can no longer go forward, which path in life do you take? The one to the left where nothing is right or the one to the right where nothing is left?

Perhaps a little negative for the birthday but let's be honest..I've been a little negative about life lately. As usual I got really excited about my birthday about a week ago but as the week went on my excitement faded. I can't seem to get rid of this dark cloud over my head but I'm getting pretty good at putting on a happy face, pretending nothing is wrong and moving forward. I'm stressed about my upcoming surgery, the impending job hunt and the applications and interviews that come with it, finances and how to get by, and how to maintain some quality of life when feeling guilty every time I go out. There's also my house, which happens to be a disaster on a regular basis but I'm so exhausted from the rest of it I can't seem to get it together... UGH..wah wah wah.

Moving on..I have had some sunshine in my life this week!
A former student with a fantastic heart delivered these to school for me on Monday with a note wishing me a great birthday week. They have only gotten more beautiful with each passing day and given me some peace with all the stress I am putting on myself.

I made myself this rainbow birthday cake to take to school yesterday and frosted it white so the colors were a total surprise when we cut into it. The kids loved it and it brought many smiles to the end of a hectic week.

I also got a bit of an early birthday surprise two weeks ago. I was walking into the office at school to grab some supplies and one of our three beautiful secretaries said that I had missed a visitor. She gave me a piece of paper with a name and phone number and I almost fainted. It had the name of the strongest and most admirable little ladies I have ever met on it. She was my favorite camper in my first year as a counselor at a camp for kids with epilepsy and became my assistant the second year. At 19 years old she has travelled the country advocating for epilepsy awareness and set an example for all ages living with the disorder through talks and PSA's. She's also incredibly talented and extremely adorable!

I call the number and excitedly ask what she is doing in Steamboat. Her response left me speechless.. "I moved here in December and I've been looking for you ever since!" I promptly packed my things at school and was ready to rush out and meet her at the end of the day. We met for a non-alcoholic happy hour and caught up on the past two years since we've seen each other. As incredible as she always was, I look forward to being nearby and having her in my life again!

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