Saturday, June 25, 2011

LOVE today!

Nothing spectacular happened today but it was..well..spectacular! I got up and let Lucy out and it was warm outside bright and early. We snuggled on the couch and watched No Strings Attached. (I LOVE this movie for all the wrong reasons, but I won't elaborate on're welcome) Lucy and I went for a liesurely, sunny walk to return the movie and then I took myself on a short but powerful bike ride.

ALL of this was before 10am!!

Then I had to go to work where we were preparing to cater a wedding but I also committed to the cake today. I went to work for an hour, changed and looked fabulous, went to one of the most beautiful venues in the area and set up the cupcake tower and arranged flowers. Once completely satisfied with my work I headed back to the kitchen to finish my shift. It wasn't busy, it went quickly, and I didn't get stuck with any of the tasks that I usually hate.

Here is the final product!
I get paid to do this!!

The whole set-up for the reception was beautiful with hot pink and lime everywhere. Our bartenders were serving up gallons of lemonade and mojitos in the sun. The welcome table held shawls for the ladies when the sun goes down and flip flops for those soaking up the sun by the pool. What a fun day and I didn't even get to see the event!

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