Thursday, April 26, 2012

30 for 30 and 30 more before 30

In 1997, Glamour magazine published a story titled "30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30." Since then, I have seen it in e-mails, posted in bathrooms, and spread all over places that women gather. I always enjoy reading it and usually move on..until now. I am now 29+19 days and coming in hot towards 30. Aging isn't a huge stressor for me but I do feel like 30 is an important mile marker so it is time I consider this list more seriously (and with a few laughs at myself..).

By 30, you should have:

  1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come. CHECK and CHECK
  2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family. CHECK
  3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour. CHECK
  4. A purse, a suitcase and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying. CHECK
  5. A youth you’re content to move beyond. CHECK
  6. A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age. CHECK
  7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age—and some money set aside to help fund it. CHECK and WORKIN ON IT
  8. An e-mail address, a voice mailbox and a bank account—all of which nobody has access to but you. CHECK
  9. A résumé that is not even the slightest bit padded. CHECK
  10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry. CHECK
  11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black lace bra. CHECK, sore subject, CHECK
  12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it. CHECK
  13. The belief that you deserve it. CHECK
  14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30. CHECK
  15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship and all those other facets of life that do get better. CHECK, ?, CHECK

By 30, you should know:

  1. How to fall in love without losing yourself. SOME DAYS ARE BETTER THAN OTHERS
  2. How you feel about having kids. CHECK
  3. How to quit a job, break up with a man and confront a friend without ruining the friendship. CHECK
  4. When to try harder and when to walk away. COULD BE BETTER
  5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next. CHECK
  6. The names of: the secretary of state, your great-grandmother and the best tailor in town. HMM
  7. How to live alone, even if you don’t like to. CHECK
  8. How to take control of your own birthday. CHECK
  9. That you can’t change the length of your calves, the width of your hips or the nature of your parents. CHECK
  10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over. CHECK
  11. What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love. CHECK
  12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs or not flossing for very long. CHECK
  13. Who you can trust, who you can’t and why you shouldn’t take it personally. CHECK
  14. Not to apologize for something that isn’t your fault. CHECK
  15. Why they say life begins at 30...LOOKING FORWARD TO FIGURING IT OUT

Now that I am confident that I have almost mastered this list, realizing I am still learning, always learning, I feel it is time to move forward and accomplish a few more things before I turn 30. 30 to be exact. This list is slowly building with recommendations/advice from others, inspiration from my reading, and overall growth that never seems to stop.

Get it together..

Lately I've been going back and forth in my mind with whether or not I am on the right track. I know I am good at my job and I feel effective and like each day I am making a difference. I have many ideas and very little time to execute them so I am always wishing I could do more. Most of the time I am hoping to have an opportunity to keep this job and make it my own over time and I can't dream of leaving and starting new somewhere else.

But..then I think that I am just a big chicken trying to hold on to what is comfortable and familiar. Why not run with the opportunity now while I am not tied down in any way? That's a scary thought. I did it once before. I graduated from college and moved halfway across the country with just one friend. I left everything I knew to come here and start fresh. It felt amazing!

Is it enough? Loving the town, the people, the surrounding natural paradise and what all of it has helped me grow to become over the past five years. Are these reasons enough to keep me here or just perfect examples of what a fresh start can do for me? I read this article the other day and while it is a little crude and was even for me slightly uncomfortable to read, it opened my eyes. What am I afraid of?

In the meantime, while considering whether to stick around or hit the road, I am reminded again about the chaos that is my life. I have a lot of stuff. I have gotten a little better over the years about getting rid of things and since I have lived in 5 long term homes in 5 years I have learned to purge with each move so that there is less to carry. Somehow...I still have the stuff. I talk with myself about sentimental value and the things I might need someday! I finally found the answer from The Minimalists. Josh and Ryan were two young guys making way too much money and finding plenty of reasons to spend it fast..sometimes faster than they were making it. They took an extreme approach to minimalism over a 21 day period so check out their journey. I was inspired reading about it and I'm not sure I'm as committed but if I could get half as far as they have gone I would be happy with myself.

Who knows where I am supposed to be. For now, I am taking the lazy way out and waiting to see what my current situation holds. The decision on my job should be confirmed this week so that will be a good jumping off point of what to do next. Perhaps it will even answer this looming question for me. We'll see...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

You're the best..around!

I have some of the best friends. The old reliable who took me to the hospital, laughed with me through it all, ran errands for me, and stayed with me all day afterwards. The silly sidekick who showed up with a teddy bear as promised. The caretaker who made me a weeks worth of pre-packaged heat and serve breakfasts and promised a sleepover for the weekend. And the crazy one, guaranteed to shake things up, showed up at my door from Denver last night with a milkshake and friends. So lucky to have these people to look forward to when life gets me down, literally, on the couch.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Is she ALWAYS like THIS??

I read this article on Adventure Journal today and it reminded me of myself in recent days.

In Praise of Honest Enthusiasm for the Awesomeness of Life

Yesterday, I had surgery...and it was fun..weird. My best friend escorted me to the hospital as the sun was barely coming up and we were both annoyingly chipper as usual because who wants to be miserable in the hospital. As in many situations where we are too perky, the other folks in the day surgery waiting room did not appear to enjoy the sunny disposition we put forth at this hour early on a Thursday morning. Some even got up and went to the private waiting room where it was more quiet and we would not disturb them.

As the first round of patients were guided like cows headed for slaughter into the pre-op room, we giggled along behind the group and cheerfully greeted the nurses. With a few laughs I got dressed into the hospital uniform and sexy compression socks. I also took a beating from my nurse, who considered herself a badass, as my wimpy veins were not up to the challenge of an IV first thing in the morning. I am fully aware that my sense of  humor is absolutely a defense mechanism in many ways but I also find while it is a way for me to avoid my nerves it also is naturally calming if others around me are laughing and not being too serious. While I cannot control everything, the more smiles I can find make it easier.

The fun continued into surgery as I was given the chance to have an epidural and therefore be awake to watch my surgery. My smiley surgeon and silly anesthesiologist may have regretted this decision but they certainly laughed along with me through the procedure. I find it difficult not to make laser-like and munching sound effects as I watch scar tissue being eaten up and sliced apart and a landing rocket ship seemed appropriate in place of the needle I watched diving into my knee to add some local anesthetic to what they called "angry" tissue. They were not as amused and I was sad that they did not get my Monty Python reference when I asked if they remembered to bring in "the machine that goes BING!". They did laugh with me immediately after my question when a machine went BING! right after I asked.

Post-op was no different as i started to wiggle my feet as soon as i could and move my body around. I am not one to sit still for long and I was getting antsy even though my body was numb. The poor nurses thought it was the drugs making me loopy and kindly asked my partner in crime "Is she always like this or are the drugs still talking?". Nope, this is her! This is, let's get outta here! From the day I found out I would have this surgery I gained 5+ pounds and put myself under too much stress over the whole situation. For me it was more about the financial aspect than the actual surgery but all of it was scary to me. I do this to myself more often than not and then once the day comes I manage to have fun with it and take it in stride. This surgery was no different. Looking back, it wasn't bad at all and I have fantastic friends around to take care of me and make sure Lucy is okay.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Make it count..

I came across this video on a friend's facebook page the other day and I haven't been able to get the message out of my head since my first viewing...

"Life is either daring adventure or nothing at all."
Helen Keller

"Buy the ticket take the ride." Hunter S. Thompson
The entire video and especially this quote particularly remind me of the book and movie which inspire me most when I am feeling down. Eat, Pray, Love moves me. Physically. Emotionally. I want to be where she is, feeling, learning. I want to buy a ticket and take off. "I want to go someplace and marvel at something." as said in the movie. When life becomes bland and I become numb, this gives me something to hope for.

"You only live once but if you do it right once is enough." 
Mae West
Hopefully all of these seemingly wrong decisions lead to a perfectly, wonderfully right one.

"Above all, try something." Franklin D. Roosevelt
Something, anything. I am a heart-on-my-sleeve type of girl. I'd rather say how I feel (most of the time) than wish that I had later. I have so much love to give but don't always accept it well. I like to try things that fill me with a similar feeling. The excitement that following the experience makes me want to kiss someone to somehow make that feeling contagious!

"I never worry about the future, it comes soon enough."
Albert Einstein
I am learning. Surrounded by people who like to jump to "what could be" and jaded by the thought of "well, that could've been amazing" I am now trying to live day-to-day. I refuse to assume the job is mine until it is mine. I won't get my hopes up about the possibilities until they become realities. I am trying my best not to stress about the things I cannot change until I have a way to change them.

"One who makes no mistakes makes nothing at all."
Giacomo Casanova
Mistakes + Me = Soulmates! If I hadn't screwed up as much as I have, and if other people hadn't wronged me the way so many have, I would not be where I am today. While somedays I feel that I am at my worst, for the moment I am where I want to be doing what I love. Life is a daily struggle to survive right now but looking back I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!

The trouble is all the street signs are written in squiggly lines...
Of all the famous quotes Casey used in making this film, this one line straight from him is my favorite. Eventually I get to where I should be. I get to a place where I fit and I am comfortable. The map to get there, however, is faded, the signs are blurry and sometimes it's all just squiggly lines!

"Do one thing everyday that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt
"It's not brave if you're not scared." - Ben Affleck in BOUNCE

"In the end it's not the years in your life that count it's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln
If I hadn't made it this far... I would never have learned to climb and appreciate the world from above. I would not live in a paradise where I am amazed at my surroundings daily. I would not have a job that I love and am proud of. I would not have found the friends that keep me going and challenge me to do more. I would not have found these ways to help others enjoy the things that I love. I would not be where I am.

"If I'd followed all the rules I'd never have gotten anywhere." Marilyn Monroe
I've learned that following all the rules does not necessarily get you ahead in this world. I did what was asked, I was honest, and I followed the rules and I watched others get by while I was left behind. Honesty, dedication, and taking pride in what you do is the best you can do while hoping your actions are acknowledged, respected and returned.

"Action expresses priorities." Gandhi

Friday, April 13, 2012

"A day for the books"??

Why is it that we know instantly when a day starts out rough that more bad luck is on its way? Is this intention at work? Like, "This put me in a bad mood so everything is going to be bad today"? Do I create this for myself? The day started crazy and has only gone downhill since.

My day started with a maniac of a sixth grader running around the gym playing tag with the seventh grade girls and I see him messing with the button on his pants. Suddenly, I notice that he is running around with his pants unbuttoned and unzipped and tighty whities out for all to see! I called him over to me and explained how inappropriate this was and that the only time his pants should be unbuttoned is in the bathroom or locker room changing. He agreed and went on his way. Moments later I see that the pants are still open and flapping in the breeze as he runs along. This time I remove him to the hallway where he explains that they accidentally came unbuttoned when he was putting them on (this beanpole pulls up buttoned pants as though they are sweats). I asked if he needed help fixing the situation and he stood very still while I buttoned and zipped his pants. He went on his merry way.

Working in the field of special education certainly does not lack variety. I learn things like this daily. Today I learned after working with him for five months that my wacky, tiny and very loud sixth grader cannot button and zip his own pants. Usually we learn this as kids need help in the bathroom or changing for gym, however when this little guy has no body shape and weighs about fifty pounds he doesn't need to button and zip anything. He just wiggles in.

I get dizzy from how much I shake my head on some days.

Working with a student on a crossword about the five senses: which sense will tell you whether a surface is rough or soft? {crickets...}

When the adult responsible for making sure one student makes it to a field trip also takes her to Starbucks, his house, and his other job and doesn't understand why that might be frowned upon?

When no one can seem to let the dirty dishes in the sink soak as I left them to do but rather stack them next to the sink to let the crust dry on?

Why my desk is the depository for random, questionable things found on the floor? Because obviously I want them for my trash collection...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Like I need a reminder?

But here are a few of my favorite reminders that I live in paradise...

This is a pretty common photo of the place that I call home! It is on books, decks of cards, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and countless other souvenirs. Rather often it shows up in the paper with the same view only slightly varied depending on the season. In just two months, I will celebrate my five year anniversary in this beautiful bubble in the rockies and still I look at this view daily and am amazed and grateful to be surrounded by so much beauty.

There are a few other views in town, though, that really make me giddy inside and feel an internal connection to my mountain home.

rolling into SPRING!!

I moved here a few short months after falling in love with this little ski town following a short visit. While that is the reason I chose to come here, ultimately it was for a job teaching at the high school in the fall of 2007. This is a common view of the SSHS football/soccer/lacrosse field in the early spring. While most schools are getting outside to practice for upcoming sports seasons, we in the bubble are usually still getting dumped on with snow. The only way for our teams to get practice time in, outside of practicing in the gym, is to plow the snow off the field. The lacrosse team practices with neon balls so that they can be found in the snow and they hit the field daily, snow or not. This is such a unique and special image for me after a long work day with short winter hours. As the sun goes down and the temperature drops, these athletes are happily hitting the the snow! *picture borrowed from

here comes SUMMER!!

This happens to be the boyfriend of the previously mentioned amazing forever friend but he, while also amazing, is not the view I wish to speak of. The favorite moment here is in late spring, locally called "mud season", when the mountain is closed and there is still a ton of snow and it is hot out but still too muddy to hit the trail with your mountain bike..THIS is what the lunch hour looks like in Steamboat. People hop on their bikes with skis (over the shoulder, like Pete, or strategically mounted to the bike) to commute to an easy hike nearby and get some sunny spring turns in. This is dedication to a sport..or two! I, however, do not trust myself to be this coordinated but it puts a smile on my face every time!

Another favorite view, while not as adventurous, is the car with loaded Thule box or rack on top and a loaded bike rack on the back. I know just the subaru I am thinking of, now to hurry and get the picture!

SUMMER is here...or it might be soon!

Mud season also means river season around here. If the snow is melting that means the river is rising and tubing is not just a novelty when you live in this town. Tubing starts early, sometimes too early, when the water is flowing and often still frigid. Most people around the age of fun own their own tube and most likely have a strategy for carrying beverages, special blends of cocktails for such occasions, how to transport 6 people with full tubes in a clown-car fashion, and can tell you the best spots on the river to get in, get out, flip over...whatever your looking for, these guys have the details! I really wanted this to be a picture of a tiny car with tubes on top and being held out the window, as I have done many times, but I seriously couldn't find one. Maybe is about that time again!

There really are so many things that truly define this town for me but these are the top..the Best of the Boat, if you will! I was truly inspired to write this early this morning when driving to school. Today was "Bike and Hike to School Day" and on my way in I passed young twin boys (10?) riding side-by-side to school on uni-cycles.  With helmets and backpacks on, they cheerfully peddled their way to school. While I am crushed that I did not get a picture of them, I figured my job as a teacher would be compromised if I took my eyes off the road, in a school zone, next to some wobbly uni-cyclers and other distracted motorists, to take a picture with my phone! Stupid conscience! They were adorable! TRUST!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nervous for the future.

Who knows what the future holds?

I've been given little hints of confidence lately regarding the future of my position.
The teacher I am covering a maternity leave for has submitted a request for a leave of absence for the next year. Many think she will not return at the end. Many think I am a shoe-in for the job. I, however, have a lack of confidence in this opportunity. It has been presented to me by the one person who will ultimately make the decision whether or not I stay as an opening (possibly two) for the next year, the principal. I am nervous..I feel like I have committed myself to a few things over the past two years of searching and not had the returns expected. I keep saying that I cannot assume and put all of my eggs in one basket until I know for sure that I have the job. I want it...I really do. But I have all of these people saying it's mine, why wouldn't it be? I am scared to believe it because what if it isn't and I haven't done anything else? I will apply, I will hope, dream, wonder, and continue to be a basketcase until I know for sure. Then, I will breathe. And we will party!

So get ready...because I won't!!!

Forever friends...

When I met Morgan I knew she was something special..even our meeting seemed lucky.

I was out with an old boyfriend who I taught with and a handful of other teachers rock climbing one day when this girl appeared at the base of the climb. She rolled up on her bike and said that the asked at the local gear-shop where she might find people to climb with and they sent her to our very site. She went on to explain that she had been in town just two days and was excited to see people climbing. We asked where she came from? What was her story? She said I got a job teaching at the high school for the following year as an art teacher. We all smiled, looked at each other, and welcomed her. For on her second day in town she had found a math teacher, an english teacher, two spanish teachers and a special education teacher, all from the high school.

We invited her over for a barbeque that night and she has been a best friend since.

Soon after, I had a terrible break-up with my live-in boyfriend. Still barely knowing me, she invited me to move in with her for as long as I needed to cope and get back on my feet. She has been with me through ups and downs and plenty of laughs and just as many tears. She is there for it all.

After losing my job at the high school we have parted ways simply because we do not see each other daily. We still come together each time as we were never apart.

Last night, Morgan took me out for a belated birthday because she was out of town on a photo assignment for the actual celebration. We started at happy hour and caught up on all we had missed in each other's lives. She took me to dinner where we shared an appetizer and talked about the future. We ordered with plans of sharing because neither of us could decide but were happy to share with each other. Over cocktails, food and wine..with long gaps between talks..with years of happy, sad, struggles, and success..we were there, together, like nothing has changed, just like the day it all began.

Some friends are temporary, some are a phase, some are forever and nothing will change.
Love this girl and forever excited to see what happens next!
Best belated birthday!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Welp..that was easy.

29 was ushered in calmly and quietly..maybe that's a good thing. I am grateful for the people I did get to share part of my day with. They are genuine and loving and their unnecessary gifts had meaning.
  • Chocolate with bacon, a favorite snack that my friends do not understand. JK
  • Trashy blue eye shadow because I've decided that with some ridiculous make-up and big hair, clothes don't matter.  JK
  • Flowers to brighten my dark disaster of a house that I cannot seem to find the energy to tackle. JK
  • Diamond-shaped ice cube molds to add a little sparkle to refreshment. MC
  • A birthday serenade in a crowded gondola square. CK
  • Many many electronic birthday messages on fb, text, etc.
  • Lots of love and hugs.
  • I also used my birthday discount at Ski Haus to get a new skirt for the warm weather and a hat to protect my poor head from the sun. (I've already burned it once this year..)
With all of this to be thankful for, somehow my birthday just seemed like another regular day. Mostly uneventful, my friends joined me for the afternoon concert at the ski area and then for an early dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant. We decided to depart for naps and gather later to go out for the night. The latter never happened. Lack of enthusiasm killed my mood and I decided I'd rather stay home alone. I feel selfish for not being satisfied but I am feeling a little short-changed this beautiful Easter morning. I'm trying to be happy but I just can't seem to get out of this funk. Off to prepare something for Easter brunch and hopefully I can find some motivation to be productive today.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


When you can no longer go forward, which path in life do you take? The one to the left where nothing is right or the one to the right where nothing is left?

Perhaps a little negative for the birthday but let's be honest..I've been a little negative about life lately. As usual I got really excited about my birthday about a week ago but as the week went on my excitement faded. I can't seem to get rid of this dark cloud over my head but I'm getting pretty good at putting on a happy face, pretending nothing is wrong and moving forward. I'm stressed about my upcoming surgery, the impending job hunt and the applications and interviews that come with it, finances and how to get by, and how to maintain some quality of life when feeling guilty every time I go out. There's also my house, which happens to be a disaster on a regular basis but I'm so exhausted from the rest of it I can't seem to get it together... UGH..wah wah wah.

Moving on..I have had some sunshine in my life this week!
A former student with a fantastic heart delivered these to school for me on Monday with a note wishing me a great birthday week. They have only gotten more beautiful with each passing day and given me some peace with all the stress I am putting on myself.

I made myself this rainbow birthday cake to take to school yesterday and frosted it white so the colors were a total surprise when we cut into it. The kids loved it and it brought many smiles to the end of a hectic week.

I also got a bit of an early birthday surprise two weeks ago. I was walking into the office at school to grab some supplies and one of our three beautiful secretaries said that I had missed a visitor. She gave me a piece of paper with a name and phone number and I almost fainted. It had the name of the strongest and most admirable little ladies I have ever met on it. She was my favorite camper in my first year as a counselor at a camp for kids with epilepsy and became my assistant the second year. At 19 years old she has travelled the country advocating for epilepsy awareness and set an example for all ages living with the disorder through talks and PSA's. She's also incredibly talented and extremely adorable!

I call the number and excitedly ask what she is doing in Steamboat. Her response left me speechless.. "I moved here in December and I've been looking for you ever since!" I promptly packed my things at school and was ready to rush out and meet her at the end of the day. We met for a non-alcoholic happy hour and caught up on the past two years since we've seen each other. As incredible as she always was, I look forward to being nearby and having her in my life again!