Friday, April 13, 2012

"A day for the books"??

Why is it that we know instantly when a day starts out rough that more bad luck is on its way? Is this intention at work? Like, "This put me in a bad mood so everything is going to be bad today"? Do I create this for myself? The day started crazy and has only gone downhill since.

My day started with a maniac of a sixth grader running around the gym playing tag with the seventh grade girls and I see him messing with the button on his pants. Suddenly, I notice that he is running around with his pants unbuttoned and unzipped and tighty whities out for all to see! I called him over to me and explained how inappropriate this was and that the only time his pants should be unbuttoned is in the bathroom or locker room changing. He agreed and went on his way. Moments later I see that the pants are still open and flapping in the breeze as he runs along. This time I remove him to the hallway where he explains that they accidentally came unbuttoned when he was putting them on (this beanpole pulls up buttoned pants as though they are sweats). I asked if he needed help fixing the situation and he stood very still while I buttoned and zipped his pants. He went on his merry way.

Working in the field of special education certainly does not lack variety. I learn things like this daily. Today I learned after working with him for five months that my wacky, tiny and very loud sixth grader cannot button and zip his own pants. Usually we learn this as kids need help in the bathroom or changing for gym, however when this little guy has no body shape and weighs about fifty pounds he doesn't need to button and zip anything. He just wiggles in.

I get dizzy from how much I shake my head on some days.

Working with a student on a crossword about the five senses: which sense will tell you whether a surface is rough or soft? {crickets...}

When the adult responsible for making sure one student makes it to a field trip also takes her to Starbucks, his house, and his other job and doesn't understand why that might be frowned upon?

When no one can seem to let the dirty dishes in the sink soak as I left them to do but rather stack them next to the sink to let the crust dry on?

Why my desk is the depository for random, questionable things found on the floor? Because obviously I want them for my trash collection...

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