Saturday, April 14, 2012

Make it count..

I came across this video on a friend's facebook page the other day and I haven't been able to get the message out of my head since my first viewing...

"Life is either daring adventure or nothing at all."
Helen Keller

"Buy the ticket take the ride." Hunter S. Thompson
The entire video and especially this quote particularly remind me of the book and movie which inspire me most when I am feeling down. Eat, Pray, Love moves me. Physically. Emotionally. I want to be where she is, feeling, learning. I want to buy a ticket and take off. "I want to go someplace and marvel at something." as said in the movie. When life becomes bland and I become numb, this gives me something to hope for.

"You only live once but if you do it right once is enough." 
Mae West
Hopefully all of these seemingly wrong decisions lead to a perfectly, wonderfully right one.

"Above all, try something." Franklin D. Roosevelt
Something, anything. I am a heart-on-my-sleeve type of girl. I'd rather say how I feel (most of the time) than wish that I had later. I have so much love to give but don't always accept it well. I like to try things that fill me with a similar feeling. The excitement that following the experience makes me want to kiss someone to somehow make that feeling contagious!

"I never worry about the future, it comes soon enough."
Albert Einstein
I am learning. Surrounded by people who like to jump to "what could be" and jaded by the thought of "well, that could've been amazing" I am now trying to live day-to-day. I refuse to assume the job is mine until it is mine. I won't get my hopes up about the possibilities until they become realities. I am trying my best not to stress about the things I cannot change until I have a way to change them.

"One who makes no mistakes makes nothing at all."
Giacomo Casanova
Mistakes + Me = Soulmates! If I hadn't screwed up as much as I have, and if other people hadn't wronged me the way so many have, I would not be where I am today. While somedays I feel that I am at my worst, for the moment I am where I want to be doing what I love. Life is a daily struggle to survive right now but looking back I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!

The trouble is all the street signs are written in squiggly lines...
Of all the famous quotes Casey used in making this film, this one line straight from him is my favorite. Eventually I get to where I should be. I get to a place where I fit and I am comfortable. The map to get there, however, is faded, the signs are blurry and sometimes it's all just squiggly lines!

"Do one thing everyday that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt
"It's not brave if you're not scared." - Ben Affleck in BOUNCE

"In the end it's not the years in your life that count it's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln
If I hadn't made it this far... I would never have learned to climb and appreciate the world from above. I would not live in a paradise where I am amazed at my surroundings daily. I would not have a job that I love and am proud of. I would not have found the friends that keep me going and challenge me to do more. I would not have found these ways to help others enjoy the things that I love. I would not be where I am.

"If I'd followed all the rules I'd never have gotten anywhere." Marilyn Monroe
I've learned that following all the rules does not necessarily get you ahead in this world. I did what was asked, I was honest, and I followed the rules and I watched others get by while I was left behind. Honesty, dedication, and taking pride in what you do is the best you can do while hoping your actions are acknowledged, respected and returned.

"Action expresses priorities." Gandhi

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